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Swedish Mom & Apple Pie

With Sweden's national elections came the ads, and also a glimpse at Sweden's versions of Mom, apple pie, and politicians pressing the flesh and kissing babies.

Sweden had its round of national elections back in September. Neither of us had any skin in the game, probably. I couldn't tell you much about the results without refreshing my memory, even a few weeks out. But there were some memorable campaign ads, and I'll link you to a couple of them.

In Sweden as here, videos ads are the key vehicle for the parties' and candidates' messages. Lucky for us. We'll all for furthering legitimacy and democracy, I'm sure. But I have happier, if not better reasons for you to go back and troll through these obsolete campaign videos.

And that is that they can be great for working on your listening comprehension, as typically:

  • they're short -- the first one I'm sharing is long at 4 minutes;

  • what's said is clearly audible and doesn't go too fast;

  • they keep the message simple.

On top of that, it's fascinating to hear the words and see the images that are meant to land Swedes' votes. In this very polished video, the SD party takes particular aim at the heart and soul of Swedish national pride and identity. (Click to watch.)

I'll also link to a Center Party video. If only to be fair, and to avoid antagonizing Anne Lööf before I set foot in Sweden. (Gingers don't mess with gingers.)

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